Hydratec Inc.

AutoCAD Based (Template)

Total: 1


* On smaller devices swipe left to view hidden table data

Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
View (card-1312) Template (AutoCAD Based) None None Unknown Command

No error occurs but HydraCAD will not properly load and Hcad commands do not work.  

A quick test is to select the drop menu [File|New], select the template file 'HydraCAD Imperial Default.dwt'.  

The Drawing Setup window should appear but it does not, it loads straight into a blank drawing.

This is what you should see (press F2 to review the text window);



Instead you only see;

HCAD_ADS r4 functions Loaded.

AutoCAD menu utilities loaded.
Requires an integer between 0 and 32767.

3dFitting registry keys found

Requires an integer between 0 and 32767. 
